How Does Quantum-Touch Energy Healing Work?

How Does Quantum-Touch Energy Healing Work?

Healing is a fascinating process which is generally very poorly understood. Although it may be tempting to believe that we can heal other people, it is of utmost importance to realize that all healing is self-healing. The body has an extraordinary intelligence and ability to heal itself. Given the right energetic, emotional, nutritional, and spiritual environments, the natural state of the body is perfect health. Our favorite definition of a healer is someone who was sick and got well; a great healer is someone who was very sick and got well quickly.

Although all healing is self healing, we can assist other people heal with their own healing process.

Quantum-Touch uses life-force energy (known as “chi” in Chinese and “prana” in Sanskrit) to facilitate healing. The Quantum-Touch techniques teach us how to focus and amplify life-force energy by combining various breathing and body awareness exercises.

Life-force energy is an effective tool for healing because of the principles of resonance and entrainment. In physics, entrainment theory is the process where two vibrating objects, vibrating at different speeds, start to vibrate at the same speed when energy is transferred between the two objects. Entrainment shows up in chemistry, nerology, biology, medicine, and more. For example, crickets will chirp in unison and fireflies will flash at the same time.

Using the Quantum-Touch techniques, we can create a high frequency of life-force energy. If we places this field of high energy around an area of pain, stress, inflammation, or disease, the body can entrain to the higher frequency, thus amplifying the body's ability to heal itself.

Quantum-Touch actually provides healing energy for the practitioner as well as for the person seeking healing. Using the Quantum-Touch techniques, the practitioner can hold an extraordinarily high vibration; this high vibration not only influences the client, but also provides healing energy for the practitioner. Rather than becoming drained form doing healing work, the practitioner will most often feel emotionally uplifted as a result!

Source :

Quantum Touch - The power to heal by Richard Gordon
"Quantum-Touch kelihatannya akan menjadi teknik pertama yang benar – benar akan membuat kita semua menjadi penyembuh (healers)."
Dr. C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D.' (Founder President of the American HolicticMedical Association)

Quantum-Touch merupakan terobosan utama dalam seni penyembuhan dengan tangan (The art of hands-on healing). Apakah Anda merupakan pendatang baru, chiropractor professional, physical therapist, tenaga penyembuh, atau professional di kesehatan, Quantum-Touch akan memberikan Anda dimensi kekuatan pada apa yang Anda kerjakan yang sebelumnya telihat mustahil.

Quantum-Touch akan mengajarkan pada Anda bagaimana menggunakan teknik pernapasan dan body focusing untuk meningkatkan level energi yang tinggi, kemudian dengan sentuhan
lembut Anda dapat menyaksikan koreksi postur yang terjadi secara cepat seperti tulang
kembali lurus pada jalurnya. Selain itu, rasa sakit dan inflamasi
secara cepat akan berkurang dan penyembuhan dipercepat. Cara kerjanya sangat mudah sehingga anak kecil dapat belajar bagaimana melakukan teknik ini, tapi akan sangat berdaya guna bagi pada physicians, akupunturis dan chiropractor.
Karena tubuh kita tahu bagaimana menyembuhkan dirinya sendiri, praktisi hanya perlu mengaplikasikan energi di daerah yang dipengaruhi. Untuk orang – orang yang menderita sakit leher dan punggung, Quantum-Touch akan menjadi teknik
terapi yang aman, cepat, dan efektif yang pernah ditemukan.

Quantum-Touch dapat juga sangat membantu bila diterapkan pada berbagai situasi seperti penyembuhan jarak jauh (distant healing), untuk menyeimbangkan kembali tekanan emosional, atau bahkan menyembuhkan binatang peliharaan Anda.
Quantum-Touch bukan hanya sebuah penemuan yang hebat, tetapi juga sebuah keterampilan manusia yang penting.

Video Quantum durasi 4,5 hrs (MP4)- Touch terdiri dari empat bagian yang akan mengajarkan Anda untuk menjadi penyembuh / terapis :

First Part:
- Beathing techniques
- Body awareness technique
- How to run energy and able to see bones moving with a light touch
Second Part:
- Resonance Prinsiples
- Hand sensations meaning
- How to vortex life force energy
- Using slope breath
- Group practice sessions
- Hand position details
Third Part:
- Amplified resonance principles
- Distant healing
- How to create unified field of desire and expectations
Fourth Part:
- Toning
- Chakras
- Chakra charging for two
- Practice session
- Fun stuff
- Vision for the future

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