The Role of Hypnotherapy in Dental Practice (Hypnodontic)
Hypnosis is a mental state (state theory) or set of attitudes and beliefs (non-state theory) usually induced by a procedure known as a hypnotic induction, which is commonly composed of a series of preliminary instructions and suggestions. The use of hypnotism for therapeutic purposes is referred to as "hypnotherapy". Hypnotherapy is believed can reduce pain. Hypnotherapy has been being used in medicine and dentistry for more than hundred years ago. Use of hypnotherapy in dental care is not a new thing, it has been used since the Greek ancient as a means of healing. Although the application has undergone in many changes. Medical field especially dentistry, will come to accept hypnotherapy as a standard method of practice and hypnotherapy will probably become the real bridge between many of the alternative therapies. In the future, hypnotherapy era will increasingly bright because of the role and the benefits will be considered as a supplementary tool in providing optimal health services and comprehensive.
Keywords: hypnotherapy, brainwave, hipnosis, dentistry
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(Improvement of Oral pH Fluid due to Nuts and Cheese Consuming)
A certain food category is one of significant factor in determining acidogenic potential. Referring to previous medical research reports, consuming peanut and cheese could increase salivary pH because they are classified as low acidogenic food. The main objective of this research was to identify the difference of salivary pH data after consuming peanut and cheese. This research was using quasi-experimental data with t Test statistic analysis at α=0,05. The materials used in this research were 10% of sucrose solution, peanut and cheese. The research was conducted to 30 Padjadjaran University students with the age ranging from 20 to 24 with good general health condition and good oral hygiene. The result of this research was showing that salivary pH increased after consuming peanut and cheese. The research concluded that there was salivary pH increase after consuming peanut and cheese, and there was no difference between the increasing salivary pH after consuming peanut and the increasing salivary pH after consuming cheese.
Keywords: peanut, cheese, salivary pH
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(Cross Infection Control in Dentistry)
Dokter gigi, stafnya dan juga pasien memiliki resiko tinggi berkontak dengan mikroorganisme patogen seperti bakteri, virus dan jamur selama perawatan gigi. Tindakan secara asepsis harus selalu dilakukan, termasuk tindakan pencegahan seperti sterilisasi dan desinfeksi. Dokter gigi harus menganggap pasiennya adalah carrier dari hepatitis B, acquired immuno defficiency syndrome (AIDS) atau tuberculosis (TBC), dan harus selalu mengikuti prosedur tindakan pencegahan.
Banyak penyakit infeksi dapat ditularkan selama perawatan gigi, antara lain TBC, sifilis, hepatitis A, B, C, AIDS, ARC, herpes, dan lain-lain. Dengan melakukan tindakan pencegahan infeksi dapat dicegah terjadinya infeksi yang berbahaya, bahkan dapat mencegah terjadinya kematian. Sumber infeksi yang potensial pada praktek dokter gigi termasuk tangan, saliva, darah, sekresi hidung, baju, rambut juga alat-alat/instrumen dan perlengkapan praktek lainnya harus dijaga sterilitasnya untuk mengurangi resiko terjadinya infeksi.
Kata kunci : infeksi Silang, sterilisasi, desinfeksi, praktek dokter gigi
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(Enamel Demineralization due to Chronic Renal Failure)
Kidney is the organ that has a lot of blood vessels (highly vascular) functions as a system of filter, discarding the "trash", maintain body fluid balance. Sodium and fluid imbalance occurs because of the inability of the kidneys to concentrate urine. Hyperkalemia caused by decreased secretion of potassium. Metabolic acidosis occurs due to damage reabsorbsi bicarbonate and ammonia production. Kidneys also played a part in maintaining acid-base balance by regulating the output of hydrogen ions and bicarbonate ions in the urine as required. Acid-base balance of the body depends on several chemical reactions that balance. Hydrogen ions (H+) effect on pH, and cell function, cell permeability, and integrity of structure cell
Decreased kidney function causing disruption ecsretion of hydrogen ions and bicarbonate ions due to renal insufficiency. Metabolic acidosis occurs due to damage reabsorbsi bicarbonate and lower pH. Enamel demineralization caised by a decrease in pH and calcium absorbtion interference.
Keywords: renal failure, acid base balance, pH, demineralization, remineralization.
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Resorpsi adalah kerusakan jaringan gigi yang telah mengalami demineralisasi oleh osteoklas. Kondisi ini berkaitan dengan proses fisiologis atau patologis dimana telah terjadi kehilangan jaringan seperti dentin, sementum atau tulang alveolar. Resorpsi dapat terjadi pada gigi sulung maupun gigi permanent. Resorpsi terbagi menjadi 2 macam berdasarkan etiologinya yaitu resorpsi internal dan resorpsi ekternal.
Etiologi dan predisposisi resorpsi internal belum diketahui, namun banyak faktor yang dapat mempengaruhi kondisi tersebut. Perawatan resorpsi internal didasarkan pada klinis-radiografi untuk mengetahui luas dan lokasi defeknya. MTA dianggap sebagai bahan yang baik untuk mengisi saluran akar yang mengalami resorpsi internal jika dibandingkan kalsium hidroksida maupun resin komposit. Bahan MTA mampu diresorpsi dengan baik oleh jaringan, sedangkan kalsium hidroksida dapat dijadikan alternatif perawatan resorpsi internal tanpa adanya perforasi. Resin komposit jarang digunakan karena adanya bahan metilakrilat yang dapat mengiritasi jaringan di sekitar periapikal jika terjadi over-filling pada saat obturasi.
Kata kunci : resorpsi internal, MTA, resorpsi eksternal
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